Çiğ Köfte

posted in: Recipes, Salads & Side Dishes | 1

Vegetarian “Meat”ball  

  • 2 c. Fine (köftelik) Bulgur
  • 2 c. Boiling Water
  • 1 Onion
  • 2 cloves Garlic
  • 2 ½ T. Isot*
  • 1 T. Red Pepper Flakes
  • 1 tsp. Black Pepper
  • 1 T. Pomegranate Molasses
  • 1 tsp. Salt
  • 1/3 c. Vegetable Oil
  • 1 ½ T. Tomato Paste
  • 1 ½ T. Red Pepper Paste
  • ½ Lemon, juiced
  • Romaine Lettuce leaves, as garnish for eating
  • Lemon Slices or Wedges, as garnish for eating

* “İsot” is a type of Red Pepper which comes from the province of Şanlı Urfa in Southeast Turkey. It is a deep maroon color, which makes the flakes appear to be a purplish black. İsot pepper is less spicy initially but builds in heat thanks to it’s two-step “sweating” process after harvesting. Since isot is a much hotter pepper than most Americans are used to using, I have reduced the amount in this recipe to something most people will enjoy and think has a spicy kick. If you prefer the traditional çiğ köfte as served in the Southeast of Turkey you will want to increase the isot measurement to one cup (or more) and be prepared to breathe fire.


  1. In a medium bowl, combine Bulgur, Boiling Water, and Salt. Set aside and let rest for at least 5 minutes.
  2. Meanwhile, grate the Onion & Garlic. (I ran them through a food processor to be quick and easy.) Place grated Onion & Garlic in a bowl & cover with water. Pour through a strainer to drain the water. Use your hands (or a spoon) to squeeze out moisture. (All water/juice which drains off can go down the drain.)
  3. Combine the Bulgur and Onion mixtures. Mix well.
  4. Stir in remaining ingredients. Use a spoon to mix well.
  5. Use your hands to knead the mixture well so all flavors blend together nicely. Knead for at least 5 minutes.
  6. Make egg-sized balls & squeeze in an oblong shape, allowing a bit of the mixture to squeeze through your fingers to create little ridges (note picture below).
  7. Place each finished “meat-less”ball on a bed of lettuce. Garnish with Lemon slices or wedges.
  8. These are ready to serve immediately, or wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate until needed.
  9. Served on the bed of Lettuce with Lemon as you prepared. This is a great finger food, no forks needed! Simply pick up a “meat-less”ball, wrap in a piece of lettuce and squeeze some lemon on top to help peak the flavor.

Ingredients from the Turkish store

All ingredients ready to start cooking!

The Bulgur expands quickly in the boiling Water

Grating the Onion & Garlic (the lazy way)

Rinsing the strongest juices from grated Onion & Garlic

Combining with the softened Bulgur

Adding the Seasonings

Adding remaining ingredients

Kneading the mixture to blend flavors well

Forming the köfte balls

Ready to Serve

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