
posted in: Breakfast, Recipes | 1

Turkish breakfast made with eggs, tomatoes and peppers

  • Olive Oil
  • ¼ c. Onion, finely chopped
  • 1 bell Green Pepper, finely chopped
  • 3 large Ripe Tomatoes
  • Salt
  • 2 Eggs


  1. Coat the bottom of a large frying pan with a small amount of Olive Oil.
  2. Sautee Onions & Peppers.
  3. Without removing cores or skin, grate the Tomatoes and add to pan.
  4. Cook until bubbly, add salt.
  5. Crack 2 eggs on top and cook slightly before mixing in and finish cooking.
  6. Serve hot with Feta Cheese & Bread.

* During the Ottoman period, egg dishes were very important. Today, Turks still eat many egg dishes. Menemen is a favorite breakfast in homes as well as restaurants and cafes. (When tomatoes are in season I grate and freeze them in small containers to make this delicious breakfast all winter long!)

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  1. Deb

    My husband was hungry for this dish this morning. We really enjoyed it.:)

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